Bolivian land for sale (large mineral deposits, furtile farmland

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Location: New York
Price: 5,000,000.00 USD
There are now 3 different gold mining concessions
Privately owned by my family and I:
Approximately 1,600 acres of very fertile land that contains large GOLD DEPOSITS estimated to contain $1 BILLION DOLLARS in GOLD with the possibility of much more.
The land has produced many kilos of high grade ore in the past from small mining projects and a portion of the land has been lab analyzed by a state registered mining engineer.
Anyone seriously interested is welcome to inspect the land. The land is also ideal for growing some of the finest timber in the world and large agricultural projects.
Situated within a legal mining district in the Amazon Rain Forest, Bolivia - South America. This deal is for a long term land lease (100 years) offering 100% of all the land and its assets (precious metals, minerals, land, etc.).
I can provide the global coordinates for a geological satellite analysis to confirm the existence of large gold deposits.
Irvin S. Ackerman
Skype: irvin. ackerman
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